SNOW TO WATER Webinar on 30th March 2023 13-14-00
Now that we have passed the spring equinox and the snow outside will be turning slowly but surely into freshwater, it is a good time for a SNOW TO WATER Webinar.
This is an invitation to Hydro-RI Platform of the Freshwater Competence Centre & Cryo-Ri joint webinar on Finnish snow research!
Please join us to listen to the talks from Finnish snow specialists and strengthen the dialogue between snow & Freshwater science and these two related Finnish Research Infrastructures.
The talks provide an overview of the current snow research infrastructures, and domestic and international efforts to study various aspects of snow. We will start from observing the small building blocks of snow, the isotopes and proceed to the further point of view, the remote sensing of Finnish snow. Then we will hear about the snow research on Southern and Northern hemispheres – how physical snow properties look in Finland and Antarctica.
The building blocks of snow – how can stable water isotopes advance snow science?
Pertti Ala-Aho, Associate Professor, Academy Research Fellow, University of Oulu
Snow remote sensing research in FMI Arctic Space Centre
Anna Kontu, Sodankylä Research Infrastructure PI at Finnish Meteorological Institute
Physical snow properties in Finland and Antarctica
Leena Leppänen, Senior Researcher at University of Lapland, Arctic Centre